For City Council Meeting March 11, 2025
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
APPROVAL: Tanya Williams, City Manager
FROM: Tim Sullivan, Assistant City Manager
Request City Council to 1) Award of a Construction Contract to Hardy & Harper, Inc., in the amount of $1,810,000 for the Bloomington, Casa Grande, and Maple Improvements, City Project No. 25082; (2) Authorize a Contract Change Order in the amount of $359,777 with SPECS Engineering Group, Inc. pursuant to the City’s “On-Call” Agreement for Construction Management, Inspection, and Materials Testing Services for Bloomington, Casa Grande and Maple Improvements, City Project No. 25082; and (3) Authorize the City Manager or Their Designee to Execute all Related Documents.
Staff requests that City Council:
1. Award a Construction Contract to Hardy & Harper, Inc., a California Corporation in the amount of $1,810,000 for Bloomington, Casa Grande, and Maple Improvements, City Project No. 25082.
2. Authorize a Contract Change Order Request in the amount of $359,777 with SPECS Engineering Group pursuant to the City’s “On-Call” Agreement for Construction Management, Inspection, and Materials Testing Services for Bloomington, Casa Grande, and Maple Improvements, City Project No. 25082.
3. Authorize the City Manager to Execute all Related Documents.
On September 22, 2020, the City Council awarded a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) to Advanced Civil Technologies (ACT) in the amount of $1,823,986.50 for the design of the 2020/2021 Street Overlay & Reconstruction Project, City Project Nos. 180807 and 210804. This work included the design for the reconstruction of the two (2) segments of Riverside Avenue, as well as various additional street segments throughout the City with poor pavement condition.
On January 11, 2022, the City Council received a presentation on the City’s Pavement Management Program and approved a revised list of City streets scheduled for overlay and reconstruction, and authorized the Release of Request for Bids for the Street Overlay & Reconstruction Project (Various Streets Reconstruction Project), City Project No. 210804.
On April 12, 2022, the City Council approved a Second Amendment to ACT’s contract in the Amount of $201,417.74 for engineering design services for the reconstruction of the additional street segments for the Street Overlay & Reconstruction Project (Various Streets Reconstruction Project), City Project No. 210804.
On November 15, 2022, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Matich Corporation in the amount of $18,155,605.28 for Bid Schedules A, B, and C for the Street Overlay & Reconstruction Project (Various Streets Reconstruction Project), City Project No. 210804.
The Various Streets Phase II project consists primarily of the street segments within Bid Schedule D of the original bid advertisement.
On April 9, 2024, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Calmex Engineering Inc. in the amount of $8,064,168.70. At the meeting, City Council requested for the contingency component of the project to return to Council for approval.
At the September 10, 2024, council meeting, the City Council delegated authority to the City Manager or their designee to approve contract change orders in the cumulative amount of $1,500,000 for the Various Streets Phase II, City Project No. 240802.
The additional funding appropriation was to be primarily used for the following additional scope:
1. Grind and cap Casa Grande Drive between Mango Avenue and Alder Avenue to establish new striping to match the City of Fontana’s striping west of Mango Avenue and open traffic access westbound towards Sierra Avenue.
2. Construct curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, and grind and cap Linden Avenue south of the county limits to just south of Norwood Street to fill the area not covered by the new development to the south. The grind and cap will be a temporary safety improvement until the Linden Avenue Widening and Rehabilitation project.
3. Construct improvements at Bloomington Avenue and Randall Avenue including completion of the pedestrian sidewalk access on Bloomington Avenue heading northwest bound and asphalt grinding and caping of the Bloomington Avenue/Lilac Avenue/Randall Avenue intersection.
4. Construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, and widening of the roadway to improve drainage for the homes that experience extreme flooding on Maple Avenue south of Rialto Avenue.
Since the appropriation, the Various Streets Phase II contractor, Calmex Engineering Inc., declined construction of the additional scope due to their workload at the time.
On November 12, 2024, the City Council authorized the creation of a new project for the scope of work and the release of bids for the Bloomington, Casa Grande, and Maple Improvements Project, City Project No. 25082.
On December 23, 2024, the City released RFB No. 25-023 for the Bloomington, Casa Grande, and Maple Improvements, City Project No. 25082, and published the Notice Inviting Bids on the website. On January 30, 2025, the City received three (3) bids as follows:

A visual of the anticipated scope of work is included as Attachment 1. A complete bid summary is included as Attachment 2. The engineer’s estimate was $2,000,000. The lowest responsible and responsive bid was $1,810,000.00 submitted by Hardy & Harper, Inc. Staff reviewed the bid and found Hardy & Harper, Inc. to be properly licensed and qualified. Hardy & Harper, Inc.’s Disclosure Statement, Contractor’s License, and DIR verification documents are included as Attachment 3. Staff recommends that the City Council accept the bid received from Hardy & Harper, Inc. as the lowest responsible and responsive bid. A construction contract with Hardy & Harper, Inc. for the project is included as Attachment 4.
Construction Management, Inspection, and Materials Testing Services
On February 11, 2025, the City Council approved an on-call agreement with SPECS Engineering Group for on-call construction management, inspection, and materials testing services for on-call construction management, inspection, and materials testing services.
Staff has reviewed and recommends approval of the proposal provided by SPECS Engineering Group, Inc. based on their prior constructability review of the Project plans and their experience overseeing projects of this magnitude similar in scope to the Project. A copy of their proposal is included as Attachment 5. SPECS Engineering Group, Inc. has provided a fee proposal of $359,777 to provide the required construction phase services through the duration of the project. A copy of SPECS Engineering Group’s Disclosure Statement is included in Attachment 6.
Section 21084 of the California Public Resources Code requires that the guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality (CEQA) include a list of classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. In response to that mandate, the Secretary for Resources identified classes of projects that do not have a significant effect on the environment and are declared categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents. In accordance with 14 CCR Section 15301 “Existing Facilities”, Class 1 projects consist of the repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing structures and facilities; therefore, the Bloomington, Casa Grande, and Maple Improvements, City Project No. 25082 is considered categorically exempt from CEQA. Staff has prepared and will file a Notice of Exemption for the project.
This action is consistent with Guiding Principle 3A in the General Plan:
Our City government will lead by example, and will operate in an open, transparent, and responsive manner that meets the needs of the citizens and is a good place to do business.
Approval of this action also complies with the following City of Rialto General Plan Goals and Policies:
Goal 4-1: Provide transportation improvements to reduce traffic congestion associated with regional and local trip increases.
Policy 4-1.1: Establish and maintain standards for a variety of street classifications to serve both local and regional traffic, including Major Arterial Highways, Major Arterials, Secondary Arterials, Collector Streets, and Local Streets.
The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed the resolution and agreement and approved them as to form.
Operating Budget Impact
The proposed action will not affect the Operating Budget.
Capital Improvement Budget Impact
The Project is currently funded by the Capital Projects Fund Account No. 33007305-53001 in the amount of $1,500,000.
Through the recent completion of the Various Streets Phase II project, there is currently unspent funds from account Grants Project Fund, Account No. 22234414-53001 in the amount of $310,000. Additionally, there is $600,000 in the Gas Tax Fund, Account No. 22024317-53001.
Staff recommends appropriating a total of $810,000 from these available funds to support additional budget requirements for administration, construction, and construction support services. This recommendation does not require a budget resolution since funds are available in the FY2024/2025 budget.
The revised project budget is $2,410,000 which are made up of the following sources:
Capital Projects Fund, Account No.: 33007305-53001- $1,500,000
Grants Project Fund, Account No.: 22234414-53001- $ 310,000
Gas Tax, Account No.: 22024317-53001- $ 600,000
The Construction Contract to Hardy & Harper, Inc., in the amount of $1,810,000 will be funded from the following two sources:
• Capital Projects Fund, Account No.: 33007305-53001- $1,500,000
• Grants Project Fund, Account No.: 22234414-53001- $ 310,000
The Contract Change Order in the amount of $359,777 with SPECS Engineering Group, Inc. will be funded from the Gas Tax, Account No. 22024317-53001.
Hardy & Harper, Inc. and SPECS Engineering Group, Inc. will pay a Business License Tax prior to commencing the services for this project.