For City Council Meeting February 11th, 2025
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: Tanya Williams, Acting City Manager
AUTHOR: Colby Cataldi, Director of Community Development
Request the City Council Conduct a Public Hearing to consider Adoption of the Foothill Central Specific Plan by adopting (1) Resolution No. 8320 approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration (Environmental Assessment Review No. 2024-002) prepared for the project, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and (2) Resolution No. 8321 approving Specific Plan Amendment No. 2022-004 (Master Case No. 2022-075), for the Foothill Central Specific Plan.
Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a Public Hearing to consider the project, and adopt the following Resolutions approving the project:
(1) A Resolution approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration (Environmental Assessment Review No. 2024-002) prepared for the project, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and (2) A Resolution approving Specific Plan Amendment No. 2022-004 (Master Case No. 2022-075), for the Foothill Central Specific Plan.
City of Rialto:
150 S Palm Avenue
Rialto, CA 92276
The Foothill Central Specific Plan Area encompasses parcels adjacent to the north and south sides of Foothill Boulevard throughout the City of Rialto and is bounded by Maple Avenue to the west and Pepper Avenue to east. The project site also encompasses Merrill Avenue to the south, Foothill Boulevard to the north, Willow Avenue to the west, and Sycamore Avenue to the east.
Public Meetings
On October 16, 2024, the Foothill Central Specific Plan was presented to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission opened the public hearing and discussed the project during the public meeting. After further discussion, the Planning Commission closed the public hearing. The Planning Commission expressed they were in support of the specific plan amendment and voted to recommend to the City Council to approve the Foothill Central Specific Plan with a vote of 3 Ayes and 1 Noes (2 vacancies) to adopt a resolution recommending the City Council approve the project. Three (3) public speakers spoke in favor of the project. A copy of the Planning Commission resolution is attached (Attachment 6).
The project was also previously agendized for the February 27th 2024, regularly scheduled City Council meeting. Staff and the consultant provided a presentation to the City Council and the City Council opened the public hearing and had further discussion on the project. The City Council directed staff to schedule the item for a future Economic Development Committee meeting for further review and no action was taken at this meeting. Staff scheduled the Foothill Central Specific Plan for the March 27th, 2024, Economic Development Committee (EDC) meeting. At this meeting there was discussion regarding commercially zoned parcels and mixed-use zoned parcels on both Foothill Boulevard and Riverside Avenue withing the specific plans. The EDC committee recommended staff review the commercially zoned parcels and consider modifying these zoning areas to residential mixed-use. Staff took the recommendation of the EDC committee and modified the zoning from commercial to mixed-use along Foothill Boulevard and Riverside Avenue in the downtown area. The attached Planning Area map reflects the changes (Attachment No. 1).
In November of 1983, the City Council adopted the Rialto Central Area Specific Plan for the downtown area of the City. The Rialto Specific Plan is generally bounded by Foothill Boulevard to the north, Merrill Avenue to the south, Willow Avenue to the west, and Sycamore Avenue to the east. The specific plan provided the vision for the future of the downtown area of Rialto along with development standards, permitted uses, and other regulatory standards specific to downtown.
In August of 2010, the City Council adopted the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. The Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan is generally bounded by Maple Avenue to the west, Pepper Avenue to the east, and parcels on the north and south sides of Foothill Boulevard. The specific plan incorporates the vision for the future of Foothill Boulevard along with development standards, permitted uses, and other regulatory standards unique for a major thoroughfare across the City.
Since the adoption of both specific plans, only minor amendments have been approved to facilitate private investment on site specific projects. Neither the Central Area nor Foothill Boulevard specific plans have been significantly updated since their original adoption. Recognizing the need to revisit and update the Central Area and Foothill Boulevard specific plans, City Council authorized at a regularly scheduled meeting on January 26, 2021, the submittal of an application to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) for technical assistance to facilitate amendments to Central Area and Foothill Boulevard specific plans. This provided an opportunity to combine the Rialto Central Area Specific Plan and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan into one current and pertinent plan rebranded as the Foothill Central Specific Plan.
The proposed Foothill Central Specific Plan includes planning areas identified in Attachment 1.
Economic Development Committee Meetings:
On January 30th, 2025, staff provided a presentation on the Foothill Central Specific Plan to the Economic Development Committee. The committee did not have any further comments on the proposed plan and staff notified the committee it was agendized for the February 11th, 2024, City Council meeting.
On June 29, 2022, the Economic Development Committee offered suggestions and ideas for the vision of the Foothill Central Specific Plan and recommended that the Planning Division and the consultant draft a vision for the specific plan area. The Planning Division presented a draft vision to the City Manager who shared the vision with the City Council. Staff then presented the vision to the Planning Commission on September 14, 2022, for the Commission review and comments.
On April 27, 2022, the Planning Division provided a presentation introducing the proposed Foothill Central Specific Plan to the Economic Development Committee (EDC). The Economic Development Committee offered suggestions and ideas for the vision of the Foothill Central Specific Plan and recommended that the Planning Division and the consultant draft a vision for the specific plan area and asked staff to return to the EDC to receive guidance and input on a vision for the new specific plan.
Vision Statement
“For the next 30 years, Downtown Rialto will continue to be the heart of the City, defined by its hometown character and functioning as an important job center and transportation hub. The historic Route 66, Foothill Boulevard, will continue to serve as a gateway corridor through the City and to the downtown core. The Foothill Central Specific Plan area will continue to evolve as a lively mixed-use destination that integrates housing for all income levels and ages with shopping, restaurants, entertainment, and civic and arts uses while preserving existing landmarks.
The Specific Plan will be a tool to implement high-quality development standards along Foothill Boulevard and within Downtown Rialto that complement and enrich a public realm that is safe, green, and beautiful, incorporating landscaping, lighting and public art. Streets and sidewalks will be designed for all ages, abilities and modes including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit, and cars.”
The EDC was in support of the “Vision Statement” and appreciated the Route 66 theme inclusion into the plan for Foothill Boulevard. Suggestions from the EDC committee for the draft specific plan included allowing residential as a permitted use in the downtown area to encourage more activity and completion of a market study. It was also important to the EDC committee to preserve land uses for existing businesses and current allowed land uses. The only recommended use by the EDC committee was to removed pawnshops in the downtown area as a permitted use. Any legally established pawnshops may remain and will be considered legal nonconforming.
The EDC committee expressed support of allowing residential projects on vacant sites in the downtown area similar to other local cities. The Foothill Central Specific Plan update and the updated Vision Statement with the Route 66 theme were presented to the City Manager who shared the vision with the City Council. Staff then presented the vision to the Planning Commission on September 14, 2022, for the Commission review and comments.
On April 26, 2023, staff provided EDC a comprehensive update regarding the progress of the project and received final comments, which were included in the final draft SPA.
All requests and recommendations of the EDC committee were incorporated into the draft specific plan including, preserving all existing land uses in the specific plan and adding proposed residential land uses in both downtown and along Foothill Boulevard. Uses added by right would not require any further zone changes or specific plan amendments for residential and would be permitted or conditionally permitted. This will aid in streamlining projects and to be customer friendly.
The Proposed specific plan amendment updates and merges the existing City of Rialto Foothill Boulevard and Central Area Specific Plans into the Foothill Central Specific Plan (Proposed Project) and updates the Rialto Municipal Code Chapter 18 Zoning. The Proposed Project increases the allowable residential density within the Foothill Central Area and provides updates to the development guidelines for this area while preserving existing land uses.
The Foothill Central Specific Plan was built on the vision, goals, and objectives established in the existing plans and crafted based on the ideas and comments from the City Council, Planning Commission, Economic Development Committee, property owners, business owners, community members, and other stakeholders. The proposed plan will incorporate elements of the Rialto Downtown Vision and Strategic Plan approved in March of 2009 by the City Council.
The revised Specific Plan will guide future development and preservation of Foothill Boulevard and Central Rialto through:
• Zoning designations, permitted uses, and associated development standards
• Strategies and supportive policies for new residential development
• Plans for a multi-modal mobility network and streetscape
• Economic Development
• Plans for infrastructure improvements
The revisions will simplify existing zoning, combine planning areas and the proposed zoning (Attachment 1) will allow for existing uses and additional appropriate land uses. The Specific Plan will incorporate the 6th Cycle Housing Element residential overlay to include all properties along Foothill Boulevard.
Foothill Central Specific Plan Overview
The Foothill Central Specific Plan will guide the development of the Foothill Boulevard corridor and the Rialto Central Area while protecting and enhancing the existing residential neighborhoods in Downtown Rialto. To achieve this, the residential zoning designations established in the Central Area Specific Plan, which include Single Family Residential (SFR), Multi-Family Residential (MFR), and Increased Density Residential (R-X), were preserved and incorporated into the Foothill Central Specific Plan. Additionally, the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan’s Streetscape and Infrastructure sections were carried over and incorporated into the Proposed Project to provide clear and concise standards to improve the aesthetics and create a pedestrian-friendly environment within the Foothill Central Area. Additionally, the historic Route 66 theme is encouraged for Foothill Boulevard in the revised specific plan.
The Proposed Project consolidates the boundaries of the Central Area Specific Plan and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan to form the new Foothill Central Area as shown in Figure 2-6. To maintain the core values of the previous plans, it has also adopted parts of the vision of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan as part of its own vision and would continue to encourage similar infrastructure development standards and streetscape design. Zones originally proposed in the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan were integrated into the districts formed under the Proposed Project. In addition, the residential zones originally proposed in the Central Area Specific Plan were merged into the proposed districts.
The specific plan amendment will ultimately increase the allowable density of commercial, residential, and transit-oriented development by approximately 3.1%, 7.8%, and 3.5% over the Adopted Land Use, respectively, as well as encourages the improvement and integration of pedestrian-friendly infrastructure along the Foothill Boulevard corridor.
Proposed Land Use Designations (Proposed Zoning) in the Foothill Central Area (Attachment No. 2 SPA Figure 2-7 and Table 2-1). Residential Districts
Single Family Residential (SFR): Provides low-density residential uses in downtown Rialto. Encourages single family dwellings separated from multi-family and non-residential uses to protect the residential characteristics of these areas and encourage a suitable environment for family life.
Multi-Family Residential (MFR): Provides medium-density residential uses in downtown Rialto to encourage the creation of walkable interconnected residential neighborhoods. Allows a mix of medium-density housing types, such as apartments, townhomes, and duplexes.
Increased Density Residential (R-X): Encourages the development of housing through increase of allowable density and flexibility to lot development standards. Allows a mix of medium-density housing types, such as apartments, townhomes, and duplexes, intended to support for adjacent commercial uses.
Community Outreach and Meetings
Throughout the timeline for the Foothill Central Specific Plan update, City staff and the consultant, WSP, have held five (5) Pop Up Events, two (2) public workshops, one (1) Planning Commission meeting, two (2) Economic Development Committee meeting, and one (1) City Council presentation to date. Staff also created the Foothill Central Specific Plan webpage on the City of Rialto webpage under Planning in order to provide transparency and updates to the public. The site has been active for the past year and a half. Additionally, staff has sent out mass emails to all property owners, stakeholders, and constituents interested in the specific plan amendment notifying them of upcoming outreach meetings and workshops. Listed below are dates of outreach meetings completed.
April 13, 2022 (City of Rialto Farmer’s Market and Cardenas Market)
April 16, 2022 (City of Rialto Eggstravaganza)
July 27, 2022 Economic Development Committee Update
September 14, 2022, Planning Commission Update
October 6th, 2022, Virtual Public Outreach Meeting
October 13, 2022, In-Person Public Outreach Meeting at St. Catherine’s
April 26, 2023, Economic Development Committee Update
June 2023 Community Outreach Event
June 27, 2023 City Council Meeting Update
August 1, 2023, National Night Out
August 23, 2023, Farmers Market Booth
August 24, 2023, Virtual Public Meeting
Nov 13, 2023, Virtual Public Meeting
Nov 16, 2023, In Person Public Outreach Meeting
City Webpage Advertising and Meeting Updates April 2022- Present
Consistent Emails to Stake Holders, Property Owners, and Constituents.
Market Study
A Market Study (Attachment 3) was conducted as part of the City’s efforts to update the specific plan. The Market Study Report was completed to determine the development potential for the Foothill Central Area, including a report on the City’s demographics and existing real estate market conditions. The report estimates supportable demand for new residential, retail, and office space within the Planning Area through 2045.
The Market Study Report found that adoption of a new Specific Plan would add significant zoning capacity to the area, freeing up new development opportunities. In addition, new Statewide legislation has helped facilitate increased opportunities for housing development streamlining, particularly for projects with affordable components.
Based on regional growth projections published by SCAG, the City of Rialto can be expected to grow to 37,100 households by 2045. The Demand Analysis conducted for the Foothill Central Area assumed that the Foothill Central Area would absorb a minimum of 2,736 new housing units through 2045, after accounting for pent-up demand calculated in the larger City.
In addition, the Report found that demand for new retail space in the Planning Area would be driven primarily by new household growth. Under that assumption of a resident driven demand for retail space, the City of Rialto would potentially absorb up to 276,819 square feet of additional retail space over the next decade. This indicates the Planning Area could support over 110,000 square feet of new retail space through 2045.
Based on regional projections for job growth, the number of jobs in the City of Rialto is expected to grow by approximately 1.15 percent per year which translates into approximately 6,576 new jobs over the next decade. Therefore, new office space would be required to support local job growth estimates which indicates the Planning Area could support nearly 58,000 square feet of new office space through 2045.
Opportunity with the Foothill Central Specific Plan
Highlights from the Specific Plan include:
• Increased Opportunity for Residential and Commercial Development
• Setting the Stage for a Multimodal Mobility Network and Streetscape Improvements
• Detailing required Infrastructure Improvements
• Simplified Zoning Designations and Associated Development Standards
• Providing an Implementation Strategy
• Encouragement for Historic Route 66 Themes along Foothill Boulevard
• Entryway theme across Riverside Avenue in downtown
• Revised Parking lot Standards for more efficient stalls and parking lots
Increased Opportunities for Residential and Commercial Developments
• The Plan includes several goals relating to residential and commercial development including:
• Preserving and rehabilitating existing housing stock
• Promoting the establishment of incentives to intensify residential and mixed-use development
• Maximizing the potential of residential homes in proximity to businesses and services
Housing Opportunities
The City has identified seven (7) opportunity sites to be rezoned with potential to accommodate a total of 8,262 dwelling units. Two (2) of these opportunity areas fall within the Plan Area:
• Opportunity Area 1: Foothill Boulevard - The City has identified 108 parcels totaling 159 acres for rezone to a new zone which will accommodate an assumed density of 35 dwelling units/acre. The rezone can accommodate a total of 5,530 units.
• Opportunity Area 4: Central Area - The City has identified 60 parcels totaling 14 acres for rezone to R-X which will accommodate a maximum density of 48 dwelling units/acre. The rezone can accommodate a total of 470 units.
A Mitigated Negative Declaration will be prepared for the project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. An Initial Study (Environmental Assessment Review No. 2024-002) for the project was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Attachment No. 3). In the Initial Study, it was determined mitigation measures were identified to reduce identified impacts to Less Than Significant. Therefore, the appropriate environmental document to approve the proposed project is a Mitigated Negative Declaration with a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.
The General Plan establishes four opportunity areas including Downtown Rialto and Foothill Boulevard. Updates to the Central Area Specific Plan and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan implement the General Plan. Furthermore, an update to the specific plans is consistent with the following goals of the Land Use Element:
Goal 2-1: Revitalize and enhance the Foothill Boulevard Corridor into a place that supports economic development and creates a sense of place and identity through the use of appropriate streetscape design inspired by the Rialto Bridge.
Goal 2-2: Develop the Riverside Avenue Corridor to become an economically viable local service area.
Goal 2-5: Develop Downtown Rialto as a lively, pedestrian-friendly district typical of a small-town downtown, with a vibrant mix of residential, commercial, civic uses, and transit-oriented development.
The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the resolution and approved it as to form.
Staff time to manage the project is budgeted and available in General Fund Account No. 010-500-4260-1001. The consultant, WSP, is funded by SCAG’s Sustainable Communities Program. The grant will be fully exhausted with all work and meetings being completed by WSP.