File #: 25-0132    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/12/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Request City Council to: 1) Award a Construction Contract to CT&T Concrete Paving Inc. in the Amount of $777,636.00 for the Construction of the Bemis Elementary Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805; 2) Authorize a Contract Change Order Request in the amount of $111,800.00 with Onward Engineering pursuant to the City's "On-Call" Agreement for Construction Management, Inspection, and Materials Testing Services for the Bemis Elementary SRTS Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805 and 3) Authorize the City Manager or their Designee to Execute all Related Documents. (ACTION)
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Bemis ES SRTS Map.pdf, 2. Attachment 2 - Bid Results 240805.pdf, 3. Attachment 3 - Disclosure DIR CSLB .pdf, 4. Attachment 4 - Construction Contract.pdf, 5. Attachment 5 - CMI Proposal.pdf, 6. Attachment 6 - CMI Disclosure.pdf, 7. Attachment 7 - Notice of Exemption.pdf
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For City Council Meeting March 11, 2025

TO:                                          Honorable Mayor and City Council

APPROVAL:                     Tanya Williams, City Manager

FROM:                     Tim Sullivan, Assistant City Manager



Request City Council to: 1) Award a Construction Contract to CT&T Concrete Paving Inc. in the Amount of $777,636.00 for the Construction of the Bemis Elementary Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805; 2) Authorize a Contract Change Order Request in the amount of $111,800.00 with Onward Engineering pursuant to the City’s “On-Call” Agreement for Construction Management, Inspection, and Materials Testing Services for the Bemis Elementary SRTS Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805 and 3) Authorize the City Manager or their Designee to Execute all Related Documents.





Staff requests that the City Council:


1.                     Award a Construction Contract to CT&T Concrete Paving, Inc., a California Corporation in the amount of $777,636.00 for Bemis Elementary Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805.

2.                     Authorize a Contract Change Order Request in the amount of $111,800.00 with Onward Engineering pursuant to the City’s “On-Call” Agreement for Construction Management, Inspection, and Materials Testing Services for Bemis Elementary Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805.

3.                     Authorize the City Manager to Execute all Related Documents.



On July 13, 2021, the City Council authorized Staff to submit applications through the San Bernardo County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) from the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Call for Projects with reference to the City’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plan which identifies issues and opportunities related to suggested routes for walking and bicycling.  Using the SRTS Plan, Bemis Elementary School was identified as one of the highest-ranked priority locations.


On October 13, 2023, the SBCTA Board of Directors approved projects submitted for TDA Article 3 Call for Projects, which included the Bemis Elementary School Safe Routes to School Project in the amount of $716,745. The proposed project consists of installing sidewalks, Americans with Disabilities (ADA) compliant curb ramps, school signage, and crosswalks. The proposed improvements enhance biking and walking, improve safety, support environmental goals, promote public health, benefit disadvantaged communities, and offer diverse, active transportation projects.


On February 27, 2024, the City Council authorized a purchase order to Proactive Engineering in the amount of $196,000 for the design of the Bemis Elementary SRTS Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805. During this Council meeting, specific inquiries were raised about potential utility obstructions related to the installation of new ADA sidewalk ramps, the construction of bicycle lanes on Pepper Avenue, and the maintenance of ADA pathways throughout the construction process. A detailed project map is included as Attachment 1. To address these concerns, staff conducted a thorough field assessment of the project area and identified at least one potential location with utility obstructions that necessitated the relocation of both dry and wet utilities. As the design phase progressed and reached at least 65% completion, staff gained greater insight into all existing obstructions. This assessment considered various factors, including ADA ramp design, right-of-way widths, and current earth and sidewalk grades. It was also worth noting that the selected design firm aimed to implement the SRTS improvements in a manner that potentially avoided any right-of-way obstructions, which may have eliminated the need for utility relocation altogether.


On November 12, 2024, the City Council authorized the release of Request for Bids, RFB No. 25-010, for the Construction of the Bemis Elementary SRTS Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805.



On December 17, 2024, the City released RFB No. 25-010 for the Construction of the Bemis Elementary SRTS Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805, and published the Notice Inviting Bids in the San Bernardino County Sun Newspaper and on the website.


On January 16, 2025, the City received seven (7) bids, tabulated in Table 1 below:



A full bid summary is included as Attachment 2.  The engineer’s estimate was $701,000.  The lowest responsible and responsive bid was $777,636 submitted by CT&T Concrete Paving Inc. (CT&T) of Diamond Bar, CA. The bid submitted by Kalban, Inc. was found to be non-responsive to the contract documents. Staff reviewed the bid and found CT&T Concrete Paving Inc. to be properly licensed and qualified.  CT&T’s Disclosure Statement, Contractor’s License, and DIR Verification documents are included as Attachment 3.  Staff recommends that the City Council accept the bid received from CT&T Inc. as the lowest responsible and responsive bid.  A construction contract with CT&T Inc. for the project is included as Attachment 4.


Construction Management, Inspection, and Materials Testing Services

On February 11, 2025, the City Council approved an on-call agreement with Onward Engineering for on-call construction management, inspection, and materials testing services for on-call construction management, inspection, and materials testing services for an initial four-year term, with two additional one-year optional extensions.


Staff has reviewed and recommends approval of the proposal provided by Onward Engineering based on their experience overseeing projects of this magnitude similar in scope to the Project.  A copy of their proposal is included as Attachment 5.  A copy of Onward Engineering’s Disclosure Statement is included in Attachment 6.



Section 21084 of the California Public Resources Code requires that the guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) include a list of classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. In response to that mandate, the Secretary for Resources identified classes of projects that do not have a significant effect on the environment and are declared categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents. In accordance with 14 CCR Section 15301 “Existing Facilities,” Class 1 projects consist of the repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing structures and facilities; therefore, the construction of the Bemis Elementary SRTS Improvements Project, City Project No. 240805 is considered categorically exempt from CEQA.  Staff has prepared and filed a Notice of Exemption for the project, included as Attachment 7.



The City of Rialto General Plan establishes various guiding principles, goals and objectives through which the City looks to improve the community and protect the quality of life for our residents.  This action is consistent with Guiding Principle 3A in the General Plan:


Our City government will lead by example, and will operate in an open, transparent, and responsive manner that meets the needs of the citizens and is a good place to do business.


Approval of this action also complies with the following City of Rialto General Plan Goals and Policies:


Goal 4-3:                     Protect residences, sensitive land uses, and pedestrians from activities along rail corridors.


Policy 4-3.1:                     Continue to upgrade rail crossings to improve the pedestrian and vehicular circulation networks.


Goal 4-4:                     Protect school children and others from traffic hazards around schools.


Goal 4-8:                     Establish and maintain a comprehensive system of pedestrian trails and bicycle routes that provide viable connections throughout the City.


Goal 4-9:                     Promote walking.


Policy 4-9.1:                     Install sidewalks where they are missing and make improvements to existing sidewalks for accessibility purposes.  Priority should be given to needed sidewalk improvement near schools and activity centers.  Provide wider sidewalks in areas with higher pedestrian volumes.


Policy 4-9.3:                     Provide pedestrian-friendly and safety improvements, such as crosswalks and pedestrian signals, in all pedestrian activity areas.



The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed the agreement and approved it as to form.



Operating Budget:

The proposed action will not affect the Operating Budget.


Capital Improvement Budget Impact:

The project is funded by the TDA Article 3 grant in the TDA Article 3 Grant Fund, Account No. 22047326-53001-240805, in the amount of $716,745. A local match of $385,905 has been allocated through the Measure I Fund, Account No. 22014310-53001-240805. 


Funds in the amount of $50,000 are available in the Measure I fund, Account No. 22014310-53001. Staff recommends appropriating these available funds for a revised project budget of $1,152,650 to support additional budget requirements for administration, construction, and construction support services. This recommendation does not require a budget resolution since funds are available in the FY2024/2025 budget.


The Construction Contract to CT&T Concrete Paving Inc. in the Amount of $777,636 will be funded by the TDA Article 3 Grant Fund, Account No. 22047326-53001-240805-05 and by the Measure I Fund, Account No. 22014310-53001-240805-22.


The Contract Change Order Request in the amount of $111,800.00 with Onward Engineering will be funded by the Measure I Fund, Account No. 22014310-53001-240805-16.



A Business License tax will be paid at the Professional Service rate in the amount of $854 based on the construction amount of $777,636.