For Water Subcommittee Meeting January 29, 2025
TO: Honorable Water Subcommittee Members
APPROVAL: John Rossi, Interim Utilities Director
FROM: Toyasha Sebbag, Assistant to the City Manager
Staff request that the Water Subcommittee receive an update that the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Septic to Sewer Planning Application is in the comprehensive fundable list for FY 2025/2026 for grant funding. (RECEIVE AND FILE)
Staff recommends that the Water Subcommittee receive and file an update that the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Septic to Sewer Planning Application is in the comprehensive fundable list for FY 2025/2026 for grant funding
On November 14, 2023, the City of Rialto (City)/Rialto Utility Authority (RUA) Board adopted City Council Resolution No. 8165 and Rialto Utility Authority Board Resolution No. 08-24, which authorized the submission of a grant application to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for the Septic-to-Sewer Disadvantaged Communities Project Grant.
Administered by the Office of Sustainable Water Solutions in the Division of Financial Assistance of the SWRCB, the Wastewater Planning Application provided wastewater systems and communities with the opportunity to apply for funding through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program. The City/RUA's cost share would be 0% for planning projects because the project serves 100% disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged communities.
Following City Council/Rialto Utility Authority Board authorization, the City/RUA submitted a grant application to the CWSRF for $370,000 to fund a detailed analysis of the feasibility of transitioning approximately 229 residential properties located in disadvantaged portions of the city from septic systems to Rialto's sewer system. The feasibility study and preliminary design involved research, data collection, and analysis to confirm septic properties and evaluate the technical, economic, and environ...
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