For City Council Meeting January 14, 2025
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: G. Michael Milhiser, Interim City Manager
AUTHOR: Mark P. Kling, Chief of Police
Request City Council to 1) Adopt Resolution No. 8314 Amending the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget; 2) Accept the 2024 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the Amount of $36,200; and 3) Authorize the City Manager or his Designee to Execute all Documents Associated with This Grant. This Grant Requires no Local City Match.
Staff recommends that the City Council:
(1) Adopt a Resolution amending the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget; and
(2) Accept the FY2024 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the amount of $36,200; and
(3) Authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to execute all documents associated with this grant.
Named after Edward "Eddie" R. Byrne, an Officer in the New York City Police Department who was murdered while protecting a witness in a drug case, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is the leading federal source of criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. Administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the JAG Program provides states, territories, tribes, and local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas.
In prior years, all entities in San Bernardino County, including the City of Rialto, applied for JAG funds as part of a disparate group under a single application which was submitted by San Bernardino County. However, starting in 2024, all jurisdictions, including the City of Rialto, must apply independently for their funding allocation.
The City of Rialto has successfully applied for and has been awarded $36,200 for the 2024 fiscal year.
JAG funding provides flexibility to local governments in utilizing funds for criminal justice priorities. Eligible activities include:
* Law Enforcement Programs
* Prosecution and Court Progra...
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