For Economic Development Committee [January 30, 2025]
TO: Honorable Economic Development Committee Members
APPROVAL: Colby Cataldi, Director of Community Development
FROM: Paul Gonzales, Community Development Manager
Foothill Central Specific Plan Amendment Presentation
City of Rialto:
150 S Palm Avenue
Rialto, CA 92276
The Foothill Central Specific Plan Area encompasses parcels adjacent to the north and south sides of Foothill Boulevard throughout the City of Rialto and is bounded by Maple Avenue to the west and Pepper Avenue to east. The project site also encompasses Merrill Avenue to the south, Foothill Boulevard to the north, Willow Avenue to the west, and Sycamore Avenue to the east.
The Foothill Central Specific Plan amendment updates and merges the existing City of Rialto Foothill Boulevard and Central Area Specific Plans into the Foothill Central Specific Plan (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project increases the allowable residential density within the Foothill Central Area and provides updates to the development guidelines for this area while preserving existing land uses.
The general area of the Foothill Central Specific Plan Area encompasses parcels adjacent to the north and south sides of Foothill Boulevard throughout the City of Rialto and is bounded by Maple Avenue to the west and Pepper Avenue to east. The project site also encompasses Merrill Avenue to the south, Foothill Boulevard to the north, Willow Avenue to the west, and Sycamore Avenue to the east.
The Foothill Central Specific Plan was built on the vision, goals, and objectives established in the existing plans and crafted based on the ideas and comments from the City Council, Planning Commission, Economic Development Committee, property owners, business owners, community members, and other stakeholders. The proposed plan will incorporate elements of the Rialto Downtown Vision and Strategic Plan approved in March of 2009 by the City Co...
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