For City Council Meeting March 11, 2025
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: Tanya Williams, City Manager
AUTHOR: Toyasha Sebbag, Assistant to the City Manager
Request City Council to authorize the application for FY26 Community Project Funding for Federal Appropriations.
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the application for FY26 Community Project Funding for Federal Appropriations
The federal discretionary appropriations process allows jurisdictions to submit community project funding requests directly to their congressional representatives. To maximize funding opportunities, the City collaborates with its federal lobbyist, David Turch & Associates, to identify and prioritize projects that align with various appropriation bills.
In December, City Council members met with Jamie Jones of David Turch & Associates to discuss potential projects. Based on this discussion, an initial list of projects was developed. On January 30, 2025, the Economic Development Subcommittee reviewed the list and finalized a set of projects for City Council approval and submission through the federal appropriations process
To secure congressional funding, the City, in partnership with David Turch & Associates, identifies and prioritizes projects that align with federal appropriations.
Based on feedback from the Economic Development Subcommittee of City Council priorities, the following projects are recommended for community letters of support and federal funding:
* Generators at water stations (Estimated Cost: $3 million)
* Fire training station (Estimated Cost: $10.7 million)
* Downtown revitalization (Estimated Cost: $20 million)
* Rialto Depot Station Museum Project (Estimated Cost: $3 million)
* Rialto Police Station Technology & Safety Equipment (Estimated Cost: $3.7 million)
* Cactus Basin Recreation Trail (Estimated Cost: $1.75 million)
Staff will work with David Turch & Associates to ...
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