File #: 25-0180    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/4/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Request City Council to (1) Authorize the Purchase of Two PowerEdge R7625 Servers, One PowerEdge R6615 Server, Two PowerEdge 7615 Servers, and Related Chassis, Equipment, Hardware, and Software from Dell Technologies for a Total Cost of $293,865.56; and (2) Authorize the City Manager or her Designee to Execute all Documents. (ACTION)
Attachments: 1. Dell 3000185602922.2.pdf, 2. Dell 3000185649233.1.pdf, 3. dell-naspo-master-agreement-23026.pdf, 4. Conflict Disclosure Form_Dell Signed.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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For City Council Meeting March 11, 2025
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
APPROVAL: Tanya Williams, City Manager
FROM: Mark P. Kling, Chief of Police

Request City Council to (1) Authorize the Purchase of Two PowerEdge R7625 Servers, One PowerEdge R6615 Server, Two PowerEdge 7615 Servers, and Related Chassis, Equipment, Hardware, and Software from Dell Technologies for a Total Cost of $293,865.56; and (2) Authorize the City Manager or her Designee to Execute all Documents.
Staff recommends that the City Council:

1. Authorize the purchase of two PowerEdge R7625 servers, one PowerEdge R6615 server, two PowerEdge 7615 servers, and related chassis, equipment, hardware, and software from Dell Technologies in the amount of $293,865.56; and

2. Authorize the City Manager or her designee to execute all documents.


The Rialto Police Department has been working toward upgrading its Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management System (RMS) to better serve the needs of the community and improve operational efficiency. On September 24, 2024, City Council approved the contract with Central Square Technologies LLC for the provision of upgraded public safety software for the new CAD RMS system. This new system will enhance dispatch, records management, and other core public safety functions, offering an integrated solution for law enforcement operations.

The servers currently in use at the Rialto Police Department are not capable of supporting the processing power required for the new CAD RMS system. After a thorough analysis of the infrastructure requirements for the project, it was identified a series of updated servers and related equipment would be necessary to ensure the success and smooth implementation of the system. These servers will provide the required processing capability and storage capacity for the effective operation of the new CAD RMS software.

The Rialto Poli...

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